When you first begin your journey as a freelancer you can encounter situations that can break your heart.  I wrote this to help you stay on your path, and how to deal with your friends and family

I really wanted to touch on this to save you heartache. Once you decide to become a makeup artist several things happen:

What I learned from Photographer Fadil Berisha

Back in the day, about 10 years ago, I was a hard a$$ working newbie. Correction, I was a hard a$$ working in-demand newbie. There were months I’d work everyday (including weekends, yes every day). I turned down nothing. I was exhausted, but exhilarated all at the same time. I thought I had arrived — BAM! I was working on ad campaigns celebrities, editorials, private clients everything. It’s was an amazing time. I was finally able to pay my rent and bills every month–WHAT?, that was huge. One day I was having a conversation with the amazing photographer Fadil Berisha, who I totally respected/trusted/adored.